greater shearwaterの例文
- Of the many birds in Maine, a small fraction of them are the bald eagle, peregrine falcon, great horned owl, barn owl, barred owl, long-eared owl, great gray owl, northern saw-whet owl, common nighthawk, whip-poor-will, chimney swift, common loon, pied-billed grebe, horned grebe, red-necked grebe, northern fulmar, greater shearwater, sooty shearwater, manx shearwater, Wilson's storm-petrel, Leach's storm-petrel, piping plover, American pipit, Arctic tern, Atlantic puffin, black tern, harlequin duck, razorbill, black-capped chickadee, indigo bunting, scarlet tanager, mallard, wood duck, American black duck, Canada goose, American goldfinch, tufted titmouse, mourning dove, northern goshawk, golden eagle, sharp-shinned hawk, Cooper's hawk, northern harrier, and red-tailed hawk.